Vision & Mission
Our vision
The House of Fellowship, as the name implies, is a family church that believes in the wholeness and wellness first of its members, and the larger body of Christ. Holistic Missions Ministry is at the center of our vision, meaning; caring for all the physical wellness of our members and the larger body of Christ is of equal importance to us as their spiritual wellness. We see a church accessible to all people, celebrating our unity and God given diversity, empowering our members for caring and changing communities to the glory of God.
Our Mission
The House of Fellowship is a MISSIONS CHURCH, which means reaching out to those outside the church walls; especially those society considers outcast, like prostitutes, prisoners, homeless, the sick, the invalid and those in bondage of addiction, e.t.c.
Consequently, we have established a specific ministry called, Christian Aid and Resources Foundation, CARF to address this issue.
We believe strongly that our Lord and savior bequeathed to his church not just a mission to PREACH to the world but also a mission to GIVE to the world, as he demonstrated in the feeding of the five thousands and other examples in the bible. (Matthew 14:13-21, John 3:16, and Luke 7:11-17). We Believe the Church must positively impact its community, nation, and the world through deeds and good works in combination with the preaching of the gospel and not exclusive to each other. That is our concept of HOLISTIC MISSIONS MINISTRY.
Hear and See
In other words, the world must hear the Good News of our Gospel and must also ‘see’ our gospel through our all encompassing good deeds.